Lately I've been thinking a lot about my childhood, when life was simpler and happier.
And when I give it a thought, I realised what made it that way..was my tendency to be in the moment and see things as they were(without complicating).
And now as I'm growing older, each day I have more expectations, ambitions, responsibilities..and I prefer to see what I want to see and not the truth.
It messes with my brain, makes me feel like I'm in a dilemma. So I'm having a hard time with accepting the decisions I've already made and with making the new ones.
I believed that I was sure about what I want but I am not anymore.
And right now as I'm mulling over this, I'm realising that maybe all this time I've been lying to myself. Maybe deep down I know what I want, but having difficulty envisaging it.
And why not.....,because sometimes we keep lying to ourselves just because we're too afraid to discover the truth.
And it is the hardest thing.
So I guess I need to liberate the truth which is sitting imprisoned deep in my heart because it's the truth that makes us stronger.
And I don't know if it will take few days, months or years, but I keep the faith that truth will make me stronger.
- Growing and learning everyday, NDS
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